Technology & Plant Production
- Environmental Friendly
- Meet the standards MyGap and GMP
- The tide structure is ready
- Walls and roofs that reduce thermal decomposition
- Clean and contain no contaminants
- Size 80 Length X 30 Width X 20 Height
- Materials: steel structure and Polyuretane panels (PU)
- Concrete floor and epoxy
- Revenue budget: 1200kg per month
- Market Price Estimates: 15/kg
- Estimated sales revenue: RM18000 per month
- Production cost: RM4.35/kg
- Estimated income: rm12,780 per month
- Hydroponic System
- Fertilizer and irrigation systems
- Control system and environment monitoring
- LED lighting system
- Plant capacity: 20,200 plant
- Revenue budget; 42kg a season
- Production capacity: 1.5 Ton a month
- Seasonal crop duration: 2 weeks nursery, 3 weeks growth
- Production capacity: 40kg per day
- Production during the year Avoid extreme weather (Flood, storm, drought, heavy rain)
- Clean planting conditions
- Effective use of water and fertilizer
- Healthy employees and users
- The use of energy efficient Ideal for urban agriculture
- Can be harvested according to the desired time and condition
- Cost effective, maximum expenditure
- Double production per unit area
- Fresh, nutritious and safe products
- 100% free chemical
- Productivity is at least 4 times compared to conventional methods
- A new concept of cultivation that can be adapted in urban areas
- Not affected by environment and wea